Cleve Hill Hospital, Downend, Bristol...

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Cleve Hill Hospital - November 1918

Left to right, front row sitting: Cpl Richards, Bigelow, Rowlands, Kailis, Streeter, Brady, Edwards, Sgt Hutchinson, Thompson, McDonald, Marks, Heritage.

Standing on drive: -nk-, Hull, Tricks, Sgt Ellis, -nk-, Stamford, Clarke, -nk-, Phillips, Wilson, Brown, Woodfield, Prentice, Johns, Haylers, Johnstone, Roberts, Browne, Benbour, Jarman, Inman, Beretta, Moyle.

Top rows, in porch: Hancock, Clarke, House, Ferris, Liddel, -nk-, -nk-, Clarke, Allen, Hayes, Lewis, Williams, Hughes, Holden, Smith, Adams.

Cleve Hill Hospital - 27 November 1915

Left to right, row one, at back: Mrs Halliwell, Miss Bond, Mrs Brimble, Miss Hill, Ulrich.

2nd row from back: Drake, Marsh, Finch, Wood, Roberts, Bidwell, Jefferson, Dodd, Sotham.

3rd row: Misses Coombes, Ashman, Drew, Vassall, Mrs Pockson, Misses Miller, Coles, Phipps, Tolerton.

4th row: Evans, Sgt Ovenham, McArthy, Miss Cawsey, Harding, Martin, Mrs Francombe, Branch, Campin, Hayden, Miss Long,

Newsham, Crocker, Miss Guise, M'Card, Miss Hardinge, Davis, Hill, Cpt Fry, Shayler, Sgt Townsend.

Seated: Sgt Major Ellson, Dudhill, Sister Taylor, Matron AL Clarke, Dr Crossman, Sister Lilian, Sgt Millard, Sister Sorrell.

Sitting on ground: Kelly, Stainsby, Hodges, Walters, Crow, Cartram, Maggs, Skillings.

In front: Lockyer, Compson.

An Outing to Downend Cricket Club - Soldiers from Cleve Hill Hospital - August 1916

Only a few names are recorded, and some are too difficult to read.

Those names that are readable are: Sgt Hoggs, Jones, Whitwood, Griffin.

Cleve Hill Hospital

No details recorded, but many of the faces are recognisable from the other pictures.