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Francis Fox Tuckett

was born at the Old House, Frenchay Common, on 10 February 1834, oldest child of Francis & Mariana Tuckett.


He entered his father's business as a leather factor and was a pioneer in Alpine exploration. Edward Whymper described him as "that mighty mountaineer whose name is known throughout the Alps".

His sister Charlotte wrote this of him... 'He kept himself in good training for his beloved pursuit of mountaineering by his daily walks to and from Bristol, five miles each way. He used to get home for six and for more years than I can say, the institution existed of an apple tart served with his tea'.

He married Alice Fox on 17 January 1896, while in New Zealand.

He died in 1913 at the Old House and was buried at the Friends' Meeting House, Frenchay.

Francis Fox Tuckett had all his father's abilities, interests and charisma, and in addition became one of the leading 19th century scientific mountaineers.

He acquired his love of the mountains on a visit to the Alps with his father in 1842 and he was to devote two or three months of each year to climbing, exploring and travel for all his adult life.

He was famous for his pioneering Alpine work, 1856-74, where his stamina, strength and skill became a legend.

Although capturing 376 high peaks (60 previously unconquered) he was no glory hunter.

The following announcement appeared in a Bristol newspaper in 1865... "The King of Italy has been pleased to create Mr William Matthews, Jun, of Birmingham, and Mr F Tuckett of Bristol, Knights of the Order of Saint Lazarus, in acknowledgement of the services they have rendered to Italy by their geographical and scientific researches in the Italian Alps."

His diaries and letters show the keenest visual appreciation of the scenery, an insatiable curiosity and a great joy in extending himself to the full, both physically and mentally.